Is posible to improve? “Always”¡ This is the target in J.Leiva Percussion. We are always looking for improve as far as posible. We are in constant looking for the product excellence.
This is that happens with our new model Omeya EVO.
Based in our Best-Seller: Omeya, we have tried to improve several aspects: Ergonomic, confort, esthetic, silouette, sound and of course the actual Front-Plate system.
Just born a new cajón concept. We present the evolution of our Omeya model.
This cajón evolves in the following aspects:
-Integrated Walnut Frame.
-Frame-Inlay Front-Panel. 100% replaceable
-Ergonomic seat
-Round Corners for get the máximum confort.
The most remarkable is our new -and unique for the moment- front plate manufacture way. This is Walnut Frame-inlay construction. In this direction we can offer a very round corner instrument, without edges or flanges. In addition to this, you can replace the front-plate without problems and adaptations. Only “Plug and play”
In sound aspects, we have gotten a 30% more power than the standard Omeya, and a very good finesse.
This is a very soft cajon that wil be possible to play not only by experts hands. With the slightest touch the instruments is present.
Handcrafted in 12mm Russian Birch with front-plate made in the same material (3,2mm)
Ergonomic, powerfull, Finesse, versatile, delicacy, fiability and pressence are the characateristics for our new Omeya EVO:
Aspectos Técnicos:
48cm Alto, 30cm Ancho, 32cm Profundidad.
12 mm Russian Fenolic birch plywood, with integrated mecanized Walnut. Tandem seat in Natural 10mm Rubber. Special Rubber feet with reduced contact area, and disconnection from the floor.
Russian birch wood, laminated (3,2 mm). With direct serigraphy and cellulose protection.
D.T.S. or Direct Tuning System with six guitar strings in V form, localised vertically and tunable from outside the cajon without the need of keys or other tools.